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defaultLocale from \"../../locale/en-US/index.js\";\nexport default defaultLocale;","var defaultOptions = {};\nexport function getDefaultOptions() {\n return defaultOptions;\n}\nexport function setDefaultOptions(newOptions) {\n defaultOptions = newOptions;\n}","var dateLongFormatter = function dateLongFormatter(pattern, formatLong) {\n switch (pattern) {\n case 'P':\n return formatLong.date({\n width: 'short'\n });\n\n case 'PP':\n return formatLong.date({\n width: 'medium'\n });\n\n case 'PPP':\n return formatLong.date({\n width: 'long'\n });\n\n case 'PPPP':\n default:\n return formatLong.date({\n width: 'full'\n });\n }\n};\n\nvar timeLongFormatter = function timeLongFormatter(pattern, formatLong) {\n switch (pattern) {\n case 'p':\n return formatLong.time({\n width: 'short'\n });\n\n case 'pp':\n return formatLong.time({\n width: 'medium'\n });\n\n case 'ppp':\n return formatLong.time({\n width: 'long'\n });\n\n case 'pppp':\n default:\n return formatLong.time({\n width: 'full'\n });\n }\n};\n\nvar dateTimeLongFormatter = function dateTimeLongFormatter(pattern, formatLong) {\n var matchResult = pattern.match(/(P+)(p+)?/) || [];\n var datePattern = matchResult[1];\n var timePattern = matchResult[2];\n\n if (!timePattern) {\n return dateLongFormatter(pattern, formatLong);\n }\n\n var dateTimeFormat;\n\n switch (datePattern) {\n case 'P':\n dateTimeFormat = formatLong.dateTime({\n width: 'short'\n });\n break;\n\n case 'PP':\n dateTimeFormat = formatLong.dateTime({\n width: 'medium'\n });\n break;\n\n case 'PPP':\n dateTimeFormat = formatLong.dateTime({\n width: 'long'\n });\n break;\n\n case 'PPPP':\n default:\n dateTimeFormat = formatLong.dateTime({\n width: 'full'\n });\n break;\n }\n\n return dateTimeFormat.replace('{{date}}', dateLongFormatter(datePattern, formatLong)).replace('{{time}}', timeLongFormatter(timePattern, formatLong));\n};\n\nvar longFormatters = {\n p: timeLongFormatter,\n P: dateTimeLongFormatter\n};\nexport default longFormatters;","/**\n * Google Chrome as of 67.0.3396.87 introduced timezones with offset that includes seconds.\n * They usually appear for dates that denote time before the timezones were introduced\n * (e.g. for 'Europe/Prague' timezone the offset is GMT+00:57:44 before 1 October 1891\n * and GMT+01:00:00 after that date)\n *\n * Date#getTimezoneOffset returns the offset in minutes and would return 57 for the example above,\n * which would lead to incorrect calculations.\n *\n * This function returns the timezone offset in milliseconds that takes seconds in account.\n */\nexport default function getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds(date) {\n var utcDate = new Date(Date.UTC(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds(), date.getMilliseconds()));\n utcDate.setUTCFullYear(date.getFullYear());\n return date.getTime() - utcDate.getTime();\n}","import toDate from \"../../toDate/index.js\";\nimport startOfUTCISOWeek from \"../startOfUTCISOWeek/index.js\";\nimport startOfUTCISOWeekYear from \"../startOfUTCISOWeekYear/index.js\";\nimport requiredArgs from \"../requiredArgs/index.js\";\nvar MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK = 604800000;\nexport default function getUTCISOWeek(dirtyDate) {\n requiredArgs(1, arguments);\n var date = toDate(dirtyDate);\n var diff = startOfUTCISOWeek(date).getTime() - startOfUTCISOWeekYear(date).getTime(); // Round the number of days to the nearest integer\n // because the number of milliseconds in a week is not constant\n // (e.g. it's different in the week of the daylight saving time clock shift)\n\n return Math.round(diff / MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK) + 1;\n}","import getUTCISOWeekYear from \"../getUTCISOWeekYear/index.js\";\nimport startOfUTCISOWeek from \"../startOfUTCISOWeek/index.js\";\nimport requiredArgs from \"../requiredArgs/index.js\";\nexport default function startOfUTCISOWeekYear(dirtyDate) {\n requiredArgs(1, arguments);\n var year = getUTCISOWeekYear(dirtyDate);\n var fourthOfJanuary = new Date(0);\n fourthOfJanuary.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, 4);\n fourthOfJanuary.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);\n var date = startOfUTCISOWeek(fourthOfJanuary);\n return date;\n}","import toDate from \"../../toDate/index.js\";\nimport requiredArgs from \"../requiredArgs/index.js\";\nimport startOfUTCISOWeek from \"../startOfUTCISOWeek/index.js\";\nexport default function getUTCISOWeekYear(dirtyDate) {\n requiredArgs(1, arguments);\n var date = toDate(dirtyDate);\n var year = date.getUTCFullYear();\n var fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear = new Date(0);\n fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear.setUTCFullYear(year + 1, 0, 4);\n fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);\n var startOfNextYear = startOfUTCISOWeek(fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear);\n var fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear = new Date(0);\n fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, 4);\n fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);\n var startOfThisYear = startOfUTCISOWeek(fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear);\n\n if (date.getTime() >= startOfNextYear.getTime()) {\n return year + 1;\n } else if (date.getTime() >= startOfThisYear.getTime()) {\n return year;\n } else {\n return year - 1;\n }\n}","import toDate from \"../../toDate/index.js\";\nimport startOfUTCWeek from \"../startOfUTCWeek/index.js\";\nimport startOfUTCWeekYear from \"../startOfUTCWeekYear/index.js\";\nimport requiredArgs from \"../requiredArgs/index.js\";\nvar MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK = 604800000;\nexport default function getUTCWeek(dirtyDate, options) {\n requiredArgs(1, arguments);\n var date = toDate(dirtyDate);\n var diff = startOfUTCWeek(date, options).getTime() - startOfUTCWeekYear(date, options).getTime(); // Round the number of days to the nearest integer\n // because the number of milliseconds in a week is not constant\n // (e.g. it's different in the week of the daylight saving time clock shift)\n\n return Math.round(diff / MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK) + 1;\n}","import getUTCWeekYear from \"../getUTCWeekYear/index.js\";\nimport requiredArgs from \"../requiredArgs/index.js\";\nimport startOfUTCWeek from \"../startOfUTCWeek/index.js\";\nimport toInteger from \"../toInteger/index.js\";\nimport { getDefaultOptions } from \"../defaultOptions/index.js\";\nexport default function startOfUTCWeekYear(dirtyDate, options) {\n var _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _options$firstWeekCon, _options$locale, _options$locale$optio, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2;\n\n requiredArgs(1, arguments);\n var defaultOptions = getDefaultOptions();\n var firstWeekContainsDate = toInteger((_ref = (_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_options$firstWeekCon = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _options$firstWeekCon !== void 0 ? _options$firstWeekCon : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale = options.locale) === null || _options$locale === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale$optio = _options$locale.options) === null || _options$locale$optio === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale$optio.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : defaultOptions.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : 1);\n var year = getUTCWeekYear(dirtyDate, options);\n var firstWeek = new Date(0);\n firstWeek.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, firstWeekContainsDate);\n firstWeek.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);\n var date = startOfUTCWeek(firstWeek, options);\n return date;\n}","import toDate from \"../../toDate/index.js\";\nimport requiredArgs from \"../requiredArgs/index.js\";\nimport startOfUTCWeek from \"../startOfUTCWeek/index.js\";\nimport toInteger from \"../toInteger/index.js\";\nimport { getDefaultOptions } from \"../defaultOptions/index.js\";\nexport default function getUTCWeekYear(dirtyDate, options) {\n var _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _options$firstWeekCon, _options$locale, _options$locale$optio, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2;\n\n requiredArgs(1, arguments);\n var date = toDate(dirtyDate);\n var year = date.getUTCFullYear();\n var defaultOptions = getDefaultOptions();\n var firstWeekContainsDate = toInteger((_ref = (_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_options$firstWeekCon = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _options$firstWeekCon !== void 0 ? _options$firstWeekCon : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale = options.locale) === null || _options$locale === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale$optio = _options$locale.options) === null || _options$locale$optio === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale$optio.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : defaultOptions.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : 1); // Test if weekStartsOn is between 1 and 7 _and_ is not NaN\n\n if (!(firstWeekContainsDate >= 1 && firstWeekContainsDate <= 7)) {\n throw new RangeError('firstWeekContainsDate must be between 1 and 7 inclusively');\n }\n\n var firstWeekOfNextYear = new Date(0);\n firstWeekOfNextYear.setUTCFullYear(year + 1, 0, firstWeekContainsDate);\n firstWeekOfNextYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);\n var startOfNextYear = startOfUTCWeek(firstWeekOfNextYear, options);\n var firstWeekOfThisYear = new Date(0);\n firstWeekOfThisYear.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, firstWeekContainsDate);\n firstWeekOfThisYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);\n var startOfThisYear = startOfUTCWeek(firstWeekOfThisYear, options);\n\n if (date.getTime() >= startOfNextYear.getTime()) {\n return year + 1;\n } else if (date.getTime() >= startOfThisYear.getTime()) {\n return year;\n } else {\n return year - 1;\n }\n}","var protectedDayOfYearTokens = ['D', 'DD'];\nvar protectedWeekYearTokens = ['YY', 'YYYY'];\nexport function isProtectedDayOfYearToken(token) {\n return protectedDayOfYearTokens.indexOf(token) !== -1;\n}\nexport function isProtectedWeekYearToken(token) {\n return protectedWeekYearTokens.indexOf(token) !== -1;\n}\nexport function throwProtectedError(token, format, input) {\n if (token === 'YYYY') {\n throw new RangeError(\"Use `yyyy` instead of `YYYY` (in `\".concat(format, \"`) for formatting years to the input `\").concat(input, \"`; see: https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns/blob/master/docs/unicodeTokens.md\"));\n } else if (token === 'YY') {\n throw new RangeError(\"Use `yy` instead of `YY` (in `\".concat(format, \"`) for formatting years to the input `\").concat(input, \"`; see: https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns/blob/master/docs/unicodeTokens.md\"));\n } else if (token === 'D') {\n throw new RangeError(\"Use `d` instead of `D` (in `\".concat(format, \"`) for formatting days of the month to the input `\").concat(input, \"`; see: https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns/blob/master/docs/unicodeTokens.md\"));\n } else if (token === 'DD') {\n throw new RangeError(\"Use `dd` instead of `DD` (in `\".concat(format, \"`) for formatting days of the month to the input `\").concat(input, \"`; see: https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns/blob/master/docs/unicodeTokens.md\"));\n }\n}","import toDate from \"../../toDate/index.js\";\nimport requiredArgs from \"../requiredArgs/index.js\";\nexport default function startOfUTCISOWeek(dirtyDate) {\n requiredArgs(1, arguments);\n var weekStartsOn = 1;\n var date = toDate(dirtyDate);\n var day = date.getUTCDay();\n var diff = (day < weekStartsOn ? 7 : 0) + day - weekStartsOn;\n date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() - diff);\n date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);\n return date;\n}","import toDate from \"../../toDate/index.js\";\nimport requiredArgs from \"../requiredArgs/index.js\";\nimport toInteger from \"../toInteger/index.js\";\nimport { getDefaultOptions } from \"../defaultOptions/index.js\";\nexport default function startOfUTCWeek(dirtyDate, options) {\n var _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _options$weekStartsOn, _options$locale, _options$locale$optio, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2;\n\n requiredArgs(1, arguments);\n var defaultOptions = getDefaultOptions();\n var weekStartsOn = toInteger((_ref = (_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_options$weekStartsOn = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.weekStartsOn) !== null && _options$weekStartsOn !== void 0 ? _options$weekStartsOn : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale = options.locale) === null || _options$locale === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale$optio = _options$locale.options) === null || _options$locale$optio === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale$optio.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : defaultOptions.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : 0); // Test if weekStartsOn is between 0 and 6 _and_ is not NaN\n\n if (!(weekStartsOn >= 0 && weekStartsOn <= 6)) {\n throw new RangeError('weekStartsOn must be between 0 and 6 inclusively');\n }\n\n var date = toDate(dirtyDate);\n var day = date.getUTCDay();\n var diff = (day < weekStartsOn ? 7 : 0) + day - weekStartsOn;\n date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() - diff);\n date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);\n return date;\n}","import toInteger from \"../_lib/toInteger/index.js\";\nimport toDate from \"../toDate/index.js\";\nimport requiredArgs from \"../_lib/requiredArgs/index.js\";\n/**\n * @name addMilliseconds\n * @category Millisecond Helpers\n * @summary Add the specified number of milliseconds to the given date.\n *\n * @description\n * Add the specified number of milliseconds to the given date.\n *\n * @param {Date|Number} date - the date to be changed\n * @param {Number} amount - the amount of milliseconds to be added. Positive decimals will be rounded using `Math.floor`, decimals less than zero will be rounded using `Math.ceil`.\n * @returns {Date} the new date with the milliseconds added\n * @throws {TypeError} 2 arguments required\n *\n * @example\n * // Add 750 milliseconds to 10 July 2014 12:45:30.000:\n * const result = addMilliseconds(new Date(2014, 6, 10, 12, 45, 30, 0), 750)\n * //=> Thu Jul 10 2014 12:45:30.750\n */\n\nexport default function addMilliseconds(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) {\n requiredArgs(2, arguments);\n var timestamp = toDate(dirtyDate).getTime();\n var amount = toInteger(dirtyAmount);\n return new Date(timestamp + amount);\n}","import toDate from \"../../toDate/index.js\";\nimport requiredArgs from \"../requiredArgs/index.js\";\nvar MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY = 86400000;\nexport default function getUTCDayOfYear(dirtyDate) {\n requiredArgs(1, arguments);\n var date = toDate(dirtyDate);\n var timestamp = date.getTime();\n date.setUTCMonth(0, 1);\n date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);\n var startOfYearTimestamp = date.getTime();\n var difference = timestamp - startOfYearTimestamp;\n return Math.floor(difference / MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY) + 1;\n}","export default function addLeadingZeros(number, targetLength) {\n var sign = number < 0 ? '-' : '';\n var output = Math.abs(number).toString();\n\n while (output.length < targetLength) {\n output = '0' + output;\n }\n\n return sign + output;\n}","import addLeadingZeros from \"../../addLeadingZeros/index.js\";\n/*\n * | | Unit | | Unit |\n * |-----|--------------------------------|-----|--------------------------------|\n * | a | AM, PM | A* | |\n * | d | Day of month | D | |\n * | h | Hour [1-12] | H | Hour [0-23] |\n * | m | Minute | M | Month |\n * | s | Second | S | Fraction of second |\n * | y | Year (abs) | Y | |\n *\n * Letters marked by * are not implemented but reserved by Unicode standard.\n */\n\nvar formatters = {\n // Year\n y: function y(date, token) {\n // From http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-31/tr35-dates.html#Date_Format_tokens\n // | Year | y | yy | yyy | yyyy | yyyyy |\n // |----------|-------|----|-------|-------|-------|\n // | AD 1 | 1 | 01 | 001 | 0001 | 00001 |\n // | AD 12 | 12 | 12 | 012 | 0012 | 00012 |\n // | AD 123 | 123 | 23 | 123 | 0123 | 00123 |\n // | AD 1234 | 1234 | 34 | 1234 | 1234 | 01234 |\n // | AD 12345 | 12345 | 45 | 12345 | 12345 | 12345 |\n var signedYear = date.getUTCFullYear(); // Returns 1 for 1 BC (which is year 0 in JavaScript)\n\n var year = signedYear > 0 ? signedYear : 1 - signedYear;\n return addLeadingZeros(token === 'yy' ? year % 100 : year, token.length);\n },\n // Month\n M: function M(date, token) {\n var month = date.getUTCMonth();\n return token === 'M' ? String(month + 1) : addLeadingZeros(month + 1, 2);\n },\n // Day of the month\n d: function d(date, token) {\n return addLeadingZeros(date.getUTCDate(), token.length);\n },\n // AM or PM\n a: function a(date, token) {\n var dayPeriodEnumValue = date.getUTCHours() / 12 >= 1 ? 'pm' : 'am';\n\n switch (token) {\n case 'a':\n case 'aa':\n return dayPeriodEnumValue.toUpperCase();\n\n case 'aaa':\n return dayPeriodEnumValue;\n\n case 'aaaaa':\n return dayPeriodEnumValue[0];\n\n case 'aaaa':\n default:\n return dayPeriodEnumValue === 'am' ? 'a.m.' : 'p.m.';\n }\n },\n // Hour [1-12]\n h: function h(date, token) {\n return addLeadingZeros(date.getUTCHours() % 12 || 12, token.length);\n },\n // Hour [0-23]\n H: function H(date, token) {\n return addLeadingZeros(date.getUTCHours(), token.length);\n },\n // Minute\n m: function m(date, token) {\n return addLeadingZeros(date.getUTCMinutes(), token.length);\n },\n // Second\n s: function s(date, token) {\n return addLeadingZeros(date.getUTCSeconds(), token.length);\n },\n // Fraction of second\n S: function S(date, token) {\n var numberOfDigits = token.length;\n var milliseconds = date.getUTCMilliseconds();\n var fractionalSeconds = Math.floor(milliseconds * Math.pow(10, numberOfDigits - 3));\n return addLeadingZeros(fractionalSeconds, token.length);\n }\n};\nexport default formatters;","import getUTCDayOfYear from \"../../../_lib/getUTCDayOfYear/index.js\";\nimport getUTCISOWeek from \"../../../_lib/getUTCISOWeek/index.js\";\nimport getUTCISOWeekYear from \"../../../_lib/getUTCISOWeekYear/index.js\";\nimport getUTCWeek from \"../../../_lib/getUTCWeek/index.js\";\nimport getUTCWeekYear from \"../../../_lib/getUTCWeekYear/index.js\";\nimport addLeadingZeros from \"../../addLeadingZeros/index.js\";\nimport lightFormatters from \"../lightFormatters/index.js\";\nvar dayPeriodEnum = {\n am: 'am',\n pm: 'pm',\n midnight: 'midnight',\n noon: 'noon',\n morning: 'morning',\n afternoon: 'afternoon',\n evening: 'evening',\n night: 'night'\n};\n\n/*\n * | | Unit | | Unit |\n * |-----|--------------------------------|-----|--------------------------------|\n * | a | AM, PM | A* | Milliseconds in day |\n * | b | AM, PM, noon, midnight | B | Flexible day period |\n * | c | Stand-alone local day of week | C* | Localized hour w/ day period |\n * | d | Day of month | D | Day of year |\n * | e | Local day of week | E | Day of week |\n * | f | | F* | Day of week in month |\n * | g* | Modified Julian day | G | Era |\n * | h | Hour [1-12] | H | Hour [0-23] |\n * | i! | ISO day of week | I! | ISO week of year |\n * | j* | Localized hour w/ day period | J* | Localized hour w/o day period |\n * | k | Hour [1-24] | K | Hour [0-11] |\n * | l* | (deprecated) | L | Stand-alone month |\n * | m | Minute | M | Month |\n * | n | | N | |\n * | o! | Ordinal number modifier | O | Timezone (GMT) |\n * | p! | Long localized time | P! | Long localized date |\n * | q | Stand-alone quarter | Q | Quarter |\n * | r* | Related Gregorian year | R! | ISO week-numbering year |\n * | s | Second | S | Fraction of second |\n * | t! | Seconds timestamp | T! | Milliseconds timestamp |\n * | u | Extended year | U* | Cyclic year |\n * | v* | Timezone (generic non-locat.) | V* | Timezone (location) |\n * | w | Local week of year | W* | Week of month |\n * | x | Timezone (ISO-8601 w/o Z) | X | Timezone (ISO-8601) |\n * | y | Year (abs) | Y | Local week-numbering year |\n * | z | Timezone (specific non-locat.) | Z* | Timezone (aliases) |\n *\n * Letters marked by * are not implemented but reserved by Unicode standard.\n *\n * Letters marked by ! are non-standard, but implemented by date-fns:\n * - `o` modifies the previous token to turn it into an ordinal (see `format` docs)\n * - `i` is ISO day of week. For `i` and `ii` is returns numeric ISO week days,\n * i.e. 7 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, etc.\n * - `I` is ISO week of year, as opposed to `w` which is local week of year.\n * - `R` is ISO week-numbering year, as opposed to `Y` which is local week-numbering year.\n * `R` is supposed to be used in conjunction with `I` and `i`\n * for universal ISO week-numbering date, whereas\n * `Y` is supposed to be used in conjunction with `w` and `e`\n * for week-numbering date specific to the locale.\n * - `P` is long localized date format\n * - `p` is long localized time format\n */\nvar formatters = {\n // Era\n G: function G(date, token, localize) {\n var era = date.getUTCFullYear() > 0 ? 1 : 0;\n\n switch (token) {\n // AD, BC\n case 'G':\n case 'GG':\n case 'GGG':\n return localize.era(era, {\n width: 'abbreviated'\n });\n // A, B\n\n case 'GGGGG':\n return localize.era(era, {\n width: 'narrow'\n });\n // Anno Domini, Before Christ\n\n case 'GGGG':\n default:\n return localize.era(era, {\n width: 'wide'\n });\n }\n },\n // Year\n y: function y(date, token, localize) {\n // Ordinal number\n if (token === 'yo') {\n var signedYear = date.getUTCFullYear(); // Returns 1 for 1 BC (which is year 0 in JavaScript)\n\n var year = signedYear > 0 ? signedYear : 1 - signedYear;\n return localize.ordinalNumber(year, {\n unit: 'year'\n });\n }\n\n return lightFormatters.y(date, token);\n },\n // Local week-numbering year\n Y: function Y(date, token, localize, options) {\n var signedWeekYear = getUTCWeekYear(date, options); // Returns 1 for 1 BC (which is year 0 in JavaScript)\n\n var weekYear = signedWeekYear > 0 ? signedWeekYear : 1 - signedWeekYear; // Two digit year\n\n if (token === 'YY') {\n var twoDigitYear = weekYear % 100;\n return addLeadingZeros(twoDigitYear, 2);\n } // Ordinal number\n\n\n if (token === 'Yo') {\n return localize.ordinalNumber(weekYear, {\n unit: 'year'\n });\n } // Padding\n\n\n return addLeadingZeros(weekYear, token.length);\n },\n // ISO week-numbering year\n R: function R(date, token) {\n var isoWeekYear = getUTCISOWeekYear(date); // Padding\n\n return addLeadingZeros(isoWeekYear, token.length);\n },\n // Extended year. This is a single number designating the year of this calendar system.\n // The main difference between `y` and `u` localizers are B.C. years:\n // | Year | `y` | `u` |\n // |------|-----|-----|\n // | AC 1 | 1 | 1 |\n // | BC 1 | 1 | 0 |\n // | BC 2 | 2 | -1 |\n // Also `yy` always returns the last two digits of a year,\n // while `uu` pads single digit years to 2 characters and returns other years unchanged.\n u: function u(date, token) {\n var year = date.getUTCFullYear();\n return addLeadingZeros(year, token.length);\n },\n // Quarter\n Q: function Q(date, token, localize) {\n var quarter = Math.ceil((date.getUTCMonth() + 1) / 3);\n\n switch (token) {\n // 1, 2, 3, 4\n case 'Q':\n return String(quarter);\n // 01, 02, 03, 04\n\n case 'QQ':\n return addLeadingZeros(quarter, 2);\n // 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th\n\n case 'Qo':\n return localize.ordinalNumber(quarter, {\n unit: 'quarter'\n });\n // Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4\n\n case 'QQQ':\n return localize.quarter(quarter, {\n width: 'abbreviated',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n // 1, 2, 3, 4 (narrow quarter; could be not numerical)\n\n case 'QQQQQ':\n return localize.quarter(quarter, {\n width: 'narrow',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n // 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, ...\n\n case 'QQQQ':\n default:\n return localize.quarter(quarter, {\n width: 'wide',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n }\n },\n // Stand-alone quarter\n q: function q(date, token, localize) {\n var quarter = Math.ceil((date.getUTCMonth() + 1) / 3);\n\n switch (token) {\n // 1, 2, 3, 4\n case 'q':\n return String(quarter);\n // 01, 02, 03, 04\n\n case 'qq':\n return addLeadingZeros(quarter, 2);\n // 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th\n\n case 'qo':\n return localize.ordinalNumber(quarter, {\n unit: 'quarter'\n });\n // Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4\n\n case 'qqq':\n return localize.quarter(quarter, {\n width: 'abbreviated',\n context: 'standalone'\n });\n // 1, 2, 3, 4 (narrow quarter; could be not numerical)\n\n case 'qqqqq':\n return localize.quarter(quarter, {\n width: 'narrow',\n context: 'standalone'\n });\n // 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, ...\n\n case 'qqqq':\n default:\n return localize.quarter(quarter, {\n width: 'wide',\n context: 'standalone'\n });\n }\n },\n // Month\n M: function M(date, token, localize) {\n var month = date.getUTCMonth();\n\n switch (token) {\n case 'M':\n case 'MM':\n return lightFormatters.M(date, token);\n // 1st, 2nd, ..., 12th\n\n case 'Mo':\n return localize.ordinalNumber(month + 1, {\n unit: 'month'\n });\n // Jan, Feb, ..., Dec\n\n case 'MMM':\n return localize.month(month, {\n width: 'abbreviated',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n // J, F, ..., D\n\n case 'MMMMM':\n return localize.month(month, {\n width: 'narrow',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n // January, February, ..., December\n\n case 'MMMM':\n default:\n return localize.month(month, {\n width: 'wide',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n }\n },\n // Stand-alone month\n L: function L(date, token, localize) {\n var month = date.getUTCMonth();\n\n switch (token) {\n // 1, 2, ..., 12\n case 'L':\n return String(month + 1);\n // 01, 02, ..., 12\n\n case 'LL':\n return addLeadingZeros(month + 1, 2);\n // 1st, 2nd, ..., 12th\n\n case 'Lo':\n return localize.ordinalNumber(month + 1, {\n unit: 'month'\n });\n // Jan, Feb, ..., Dec\n\n case 'LLL':\n return localize.month(month, {\n width: 'abbreviated',\n context: 'standalone'\n });\n // J, F, ..., D\n\n case 'LLLLL':\n return localize.month(month, {\n width: 'narrow',\n context: 'standalone'\n });\n // January, February, ..., December\n\n case 'LLLL':\n default:\n return localize.month(month, {\n width: 'wide',\n context: 'standalone'\n });\n }\n },\n // Local week of year\n w: function w(date, token, localize, options) {\n var week = getUTCWeek(date, options);\n\n if (token === 'wo') {\n return localize.ordinalNumber(week, {\n unit: 'week'\n });\n }\n\n return addLeadingZeros(week, token.length);\n },\n // ISO week of year\n I: function I(date, token, localize) {\n var isoWeek = getUTCISOWeek(date);\n\n if (token === 'Io') {\n return localize.ordinalNumber(isoWeek, {\n unit: 'week'\n });\n }\n\n return addLeadingZeros(isoWeek, token.length);\n },\n // Day of the month\n d: function d(date, token, localize) {\n if (token === 'do') {\n return localize.ordinalNumber(date.getUTCDate(), {\n unit: 'date'\n });\n }\n\n return lightFormatters.d(date, token);\n },\n // Day of year\n D: function D(date, token, localize) {\n var dayOfYear = getUTCDayOfYear(date);\n\n if (token === 'Do') {\n return localize.ordinalNumber(dayOfYear, {\n unit: 'dayOfYear'\n });\n }\n\n return addLeadingZeros(dayOfYear, token.length);\n },\n // Day of week\n E: function E(date, token, localize) {\n var dayOfWeek = date.getUTCDay();\n\n switch (token) {\n // Tue\n case 'E':\n case 'EE':\n case 'EEE':\n return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {\n width: 'abbreviated',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n // T\n\n case 'EEEEE':\n return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {\n width: 'narrow',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n // Tu\n\n case 'EEEEEE':\n return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {\n width: 'short',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n // Tuesday\n\n case 'EEEE':\n default:\n return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {\n width: 'wide',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n }\n },\n // Local day of week\n e: function e(date, token, localize, options) {\n var dayOfWeek = date.getUTCDay();\n var localDayOfWeek = (dayOfWeek - options.weekStartsOn + 8) % 7 || 7;\n\n switch (token) {\n // Numerical value (Nth day of week with current locale or weekStartsOn)\n case 'e':\n return String(localDayOfWeek);\n // Padded numerical value\n\n case 'ee':\n return addLeadingZeros(localDayOfWeek, 2);\n // 1st, 2nd, ..., 7th\n\n case 'eo':\n return localize.ordinalNumber(localDayOfWeek, {\n unit: 'day'\n });\n\n case 'eee':\n return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {\n width: 'abbreviated',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n // T\n\n case 'eeeee':\n return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {\n width: 'narrow',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n // Tu\n\n case 'eeeeee':\n return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {\n width: 'short',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n // Tuesday\n\n case 'eeee':\n default:\n return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {\n width: 'wide',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n }\n },\n // Stand-alone local day of week\n c: function c(date, token, localize, options) {\n var dayOfWeek = date.getUTCDay();\n var localDayOfWeek = (dayOfWeek - options.weekStartsOn + 8) % 7 || 7;\n\n switch (token) {\n // Numerical value (same as in `e`)\n case 'c':\n return String(localDayOfWeek);\n // Padded numerical value\n\n case 'cc':\n return addLeadingZeros(localDayOfWeek, token.length);\n // 1st, 2nd, ..., 7th\n\n case 'co':\n return localize.ordinalNumber(localDayOfWeek, {\n unit: 'day'\n });\n\n case 'ccc':\n return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {\n width: 'abbreviated',\n context: 'standalone'\n });\n // T\n\n case 'ccccc':\n return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {\n width: 'narrow',\n context: 'standalone'\n });\n // Tu\n\n case 'cccccc':\n return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {\n width: 'short',\n context: 'standalone'\n });\n // Tuesday\n\n case 'cccc':\n default:\n return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {\n width: 'wide',\n context: 'standalone'\n });\n }\n },\n // ISO day of week\n i: function i(date, token, localize) {\n var dayOfWeek = date.getUTCDay();\n var isoDayOfWeek = dayOfWeek === 0 ? 7 : dayOfWeek;\n\n switch (token) {\n // 2\n case 'i':\n return String(isoDayOfWeek);\n // 02\n\n case 'ii':\n return addLeadingZeros(isoDayOfWeek, token.length);\n // 2nd\n\n case 'io':\n return localize.ordinalNumber(isoDayOfWeek, {\n unit: 'day'\n });\n // Tue\n\n case 'iii':\n return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {\n width: 'abbreviated',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n // T\n\n case 'iiiii':\n return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {\n width: 'narrow',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n // Tu\n\n case 'iiiiii':\n return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {\n width: 'short',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n // Tuesday\n\n case 'iiii':\n default:\n return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {\n width: 'wide',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n }\n },\n // AM or PM\n a: function a(date, token, localize) {\n var hours = date.getUTCHours();\n var dayPeriodEnumValue = hours / 12 >= 1 ? 'pm' : 'am';\n\n switch (token) {\n case 'a':\n case 'aa':\n return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {\n width: 'abbreviated',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n\n case 'aaa':\n return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {\n width: 'abbreviated',\n context: 'formatting'\n }).toLowerCase();\n\n case 'aaaaa':\n return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {\n width: 'narrow',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n\n case 'aaaa':\n default:\n return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {\n width: 'wide',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n }\n },\n // AM, PM, midnight, noon\n b: function b(date, token, localize) {\n var hours = date.getUTCHours();\n var dayPeriodEnumValue;\n\n if (hours === 12) {\n dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.noon;\n } else if (hours === 0) {\n dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.midnight;\n } else {\n dayPeriodEnumValue = hours / 12 >= 1 ? 'pm' : 'am';\n }\n\n switch (token) {\n case 'b':\n case 'bb':\n return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {\n width: 'abbreviated',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n\n case 'bbb':\n return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {\n width: 'abbreviated',\n context: 'formatting'\n }).toLowerCase();\n\n case 'bbbbb':\n return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {\n width: 'narrow',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n\n case 'bbbb':\n default:\n return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {\n width: 'wide',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n }\n },\n // in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night\n B: function B(date, token, localize) {\n var hours = date.getUTCHours();\n var dayPeriodEnumValue;\n\n if (hours >= 17) {\n dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.evening;\n } else if (hours >= 12) {\n dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.afternoon;\n } else if (hours >= 4) {\n dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.morning;\n } else {\n dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.night;\n }\n\n switch (token) {\n case 'B':\n case 'BB':\n case 'BBB':\n return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {\n width: 'abbreviated',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n\n case 'BBBBB':\n return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {\n width: 'narrow',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n\n case 'BBBB':\n default:\n return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {\n width: 'wide',\n context: 'formatting'\n });\n }\n },\n // Hour [1-12]\n h: function h(date, token, localize) {\n if (token === 'ho') {\n var hours = date.getUTCHours() % 12;\n if (hours === 0) hours = 12;\n return localize.ordinalNumber(hours, {\n unit: 'hour'\n });\n }\n\n return lightFormatters.h(date, token);\n },\n // Hour [0-23]\n H: function H(date, token, localize) {\n if (token === 'Ho') {\n return localize.ordinalNumber(date.getUTCHours(), {\n unit: 'hour'\n });\n }\n\n return lightFormatters.H(date, token);\n },\n // Hour [0-11]\n K: function K(date, token, localize) {\n var hours = date.getUTCHours() % 12;\n\n if (token === 'Ko') {\n return localize.ordinalNumber(hours, {\n unit: 'hour'\n });\n }\n\n return addLeadingZeros(hours, token.length);\n },\n // Hour [1-24]\n k: function k(date, token, localize) {\n var hours = date.getUTCHours();\n if (hours === 0) hours = 24;\n\n if (token === 'ko') {\n return localize.ordinalNumber(hours, {\n unit: 'hour'\n });\n }\n\n return addLeadingZeros(hours, token.length);\n },\n // Minute\n m: function m(date, token, localize) {\n if (token === 'mo') {\n return localize.ordinalNumber(date.getUTCMinutes(), {\n unit: 'minute'\n });\n }\n\n return lightFormatters.m(date, token);\n },\n // Second\n s: function s(date, token, localize) {\n if (token === 'so') {\n return localize.ordinalNumber(date.getUTCSeconds(), {\n unit: 'second'\n });\n }\n\n return lightFormatters.s(date, token);\n },\n // Fraction of second\n S: function S(date, token) {\n return lightFormatters.S(date, token);\n },\n // Timezone (ISO-8601. If offset is 0, output is always `'Z'`)\n X: function X(date, token, _localize, options) {\n var originalDate = options._originalDate || date;\n var timezoneOffset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset();\n\n if (timezoneOffset === 0) {\n return 'Z';\n }\n\n switch (token) {\n // Hours and optional minutes\n case 'X':\n return formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes(timezoneOffset);\n // Hours, minutes and optional seconds without `:` delimiter\n // Note: neither ISO-8601 nor JavaScript supports seconds in timezone offsets\n // so this token always has the same output as `XX`\n\n case 'XXXX':\n case 'XX':\n // Hours and minutes without `:` delimiter\n return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset);\n // Hours, minutes and optional seconds with `:` delimiter\n // Note: neither ISO-8601 nor JavaScript supports seconds in timezone offsets\n // so this token always has the same output as `XXX`\n\n case 'XXXXX':\n case 'XXX': // Hours and minutes with `:` delimiter\n\n default:\n return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ':');\n }\n },\n // Timezone (ISO-8601. If offset is 0, output is `'+00:00'` or equivalent)\n x: function x(date, token, _localize, options) {\n var originalDate = options._originalDate || date;\n var timezoneOffset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset();\n\n switch (token) {\n // Hours and optional minutes\n case 'x':\n return formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes(timezoneOffset);\n // Hours, minutes and optional seconds without `:` delimiter\n // Note: neither ISO-8601 nor JavaScript supports seconds in timezone offsets\n // so this token always has the same output as `xx`\n\n case 'xxxx':\n case 'xx':\n // Hours and minutes without `:` delimiter\n return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset);\n // Hours, minutes and optional seconds with `:` delimiter\n // Note: neither ISO-8601 nor JavaScript supports seconds in timezone offsets\n // so this token always has the same output as `xxx`\n\n case 'xxxxx':\n case 'xxx': // Hours and minutes with `:` delimiter\n\n default:\n return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ':');\n }\n },\n // Timezone (GMT)\n O: function O(date, token, _localize, options) {\n var originalDate = options._originalDate || date;\n var timezoneOffset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset();\n\n switch (token) {\n // Short\n case 'O':\n case 'OO':\n case 'OOO':\n return 'GMT' + formatTimezoneShort(timezoneOffset, ':');\n // Long\n\n case 'OOOO':\n default:\n return 'GMT' + formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ':');\n }\n },\n // Timezone (specific non-location)\n z: function z(date, token, _localize, options) {\n var originalDate = options._originalDate || date;\n var timezoneOffset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset();\n\n switch (token) {\n // Short\n case 'z':\n case 'zz':\n case 'zzz':\n return 'GMT' + formatTimezoneShort(timezoneOffset, ':');\n // Long\n\n case 'zzzz':\n default:\n return 'GMT' + formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ':');\n }\n },\n // Seconds timestamp\n t: function t(date, token, _localize, options) {\n var originalDate = options._originalDate || date;\n var timestamp = Math.floor(originalDate.getTime() / 1000);\n return addLeadingZeros(timestamp, token.length);\n },\n // Milliseconds timestamp\n T: function T(date, token, _localize, options) {\n var originalDate = options._originalDate || date;\n var timestamp = originalDate.getTime();\n return addLeadingZeros(timestamp, token.length);\n }\n};\n\nfunction formatTimezoneShort(offset, dirtyDelimiter) {\n var sign = offset > 0 ? '-' : '+';\n var absOffset = Math.abs(offset);\n var hours = Math.floor(absOffset / 60);\n var minutes = absOffset % 60;\n\n if (minutes === 0) {\n return sign + String(hours);\n }\n\n var delimiter = dirtyDelimiter || '';\n return sign + String(hours) + delimiter + addLeadingZeros(minutes, 2);\n}\n\nfunction formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes(offset, dirtyDelimiter) {\n if (offset % 60 === 0) {\n var sign = offset > 0 ? '-' : '+';\n return sign + addLeadingZeros(Math.abs(offset) / 60, 2);\n }\n\n return formatTimezone(offset, dirtyDelimiter);\n}\n\nfunction formatTimezone(offset, dirtyDelimiter) {\n var delimiter = dirtyDelimiter || '';\n var sign = offset > 0 ? '-' : '+';\n var absOffset = Math.abs(offset);\n var hours = addLeadingZeros(Math.floor(absOffset / 60), 2);\n var minutes = addLeadingZeros(absOffset % 60, 2);\n return sign + hours + delimiter + minutes;\n}\n\nexport default formatters;","import isValid from \"../isValid/index.js\";\nimport subMilliseconds from \"../subMilliseconds/index.js\";\nimport toDate from \"../toDate/index.js\";\nimport formatters from \"../_lib/format/formatters/index.js\";\nimport longFormatters from \"../_lib/format/longFormatters/index.js\";\nimport getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds from \"../_lib/getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds/index.js\";\nimport { isProtectedDayOfYearToken, isProtectedWeekYearToken, throwProtectedError } from \"../_lib/protectedTokens/index.js\";\nimport toInteger from \"../_lib/toInteger/index.js\";\nimport requiredArgs from \"../_lib/requiredArgs/index.js\";\nimport { getDefaultOptions } from \"../_lib/defaultOptions/index.js\";\nimport defaultLocale from \"../_lib/defaultLocale/index.js\"; // This RegExp consists of three parts separated by `|`:\n// - [yYQqMLwIdDecihHKkms]o matches any available ordinal number token\n// (one of the certain letters followed by `o`)\n// - (\\w)\\1* matches any sequences of the same letter\n// - '' matches two quote characters in a row\n// - '(''|[^'])+('|$) matches anything surrounded by two quote characters ('),\n// except a single quote symbol, which ends the sequence.\n// Two quote characters do not end the sequence.\n// If there is no matching single quote\n// then the sequence will continue until the end of the string.\n// - . matches any single character unmatched by previous parts of the RegExps\n\nvar formattingTokensRegExp = /[yYQqMLwIdDecihHKkms]o|(\\w)\\1*|''|'(''|[^'])+('|$)|./g; // This RegExp catches symbols escaped by quotes, and also\n// sequences of symbols P, p, and the combinations like `PPPPPPPppppp`\n\nvar longFormattingTokensRegExp = /P+p+|P+|p+|''|'(''|[^'])+('|$)|./g;\nvar escapedStringRegExp = /^'([^]*?)'?$/;\nvar doubleQuoteRegExp = /''/g;\nvar unescapedLatinCharacterRegExp = /[a-zA-Z]/;\n/**\n * @name format\n * @category Common Helpers\n * @summary Format the date.\n *\n * @description\n * Return the formatted date string in the given format. The result may vary by locale.\n *\n * > ⚠️ Please note that the `format` tokens differ from Moment.js and other libraries.\n * > See: https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns/blob/master/docs/unicodeTokens.md\n *\n * The characters wrapped between two single quotes characters (') are escaped.\n * Two single quotes in a row, whether inside or outside a quoted sequence, represent a 'real' single quote.\n * (see the last example)\n *\n * Format of the string is based on Unicode Technical Standard #35:\n * https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#Date_Field_Symbol_Table\n * with a few additions (see note 7 below the table).\n *\n * Accepted patterns:\n * | Unit | Pattern | Result examples | Notes |\n * |---------------------------------|---------|-----------------------------------|-------|\n * | Era | G..GGG | AD, BC | |\n * | | GGGG | Anno Domini, Before Christ | 2 |\n * | | GGGGG | A, B | |\n * | Calendar year | y | 44, 1, 1900, 2017 | 5 |\n * | | yo | 44th, 1st, 0th, 17th | 5,7 |\n * | | yy | 44, 01, 00, 17 | 5 |\n * | | yyy | 044, 001, 1900, 2017 | 5 |\n * | | yyyy | 0044, 0001, 1900, 2017 | 5 |\n * | | yyyyy | ... | 3,5 |\n * | Local week-numbering year | Y | 44, 1, 1900, 2017 | 5 |\n * | | Yo | 44th, 1st, 1900th, 2017th | 5,7 |\n * | | YY | 44, 01, 00, 17 | 5,8 |\n * | | YYY | 044, 001, 1900, 2017 | 5 |\n * | | YYYY | 0044, 0001, 1900, 2017 | 5,8 |\n * | | YYYYY | ... | 3,5 |\n * | ISO week-numbering year | R | -43, 0, 1, 1900, 2017 | 5,7 |\n * | | RR | -43, 00, 01, 1900, 2017 | 5,7 |\n * | | RRR | -043, 000, 001, 1900, 2017 | 5,7 |\n * | | RRRR | -0043, 0000, 0001, 1900, 2017 | 5,7 |\n * | | RRRRR | ... | 3,5,7 |\n * | Extended year | u | -43, 0, 1, 1900, 2017 | 5 |\n * | | uu | -43, 01, 1900, 2017 | 5 |\n * | | uuu | -043, 001, 1900, 2017 | 5 |\n * | | uuuu | -0043, 0001, 1900, 2017 | 5 |\n * | | uuuuu | ... | 3,5 |\n * | Quarter (formatting) | Q | 1, 2, 3, 4 | |\n * | | Qo | 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th | 7 |\n * | | QQ | 01, 02, 03, 04 | |\n * | | QQQ | Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 | |\n * | | QQQQ | 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, ... | 2 |\n * | | QQQQQ | 1, 2, 3, 4 | 4 |\n * | Quarter (stand-alone) | q | 1, 2, 3, 4 | |\n * | | qo | 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th | 7 |\n * | | qq | 01, 02, 03, 04 | |\n * | | qqq | Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 | |\n * | | qqqq | 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, ... | 2 |\n * | | qqqqq | 1, 2, 3, 4 | 4 |\n * | Month (formatting) | M | 1, 2, ..., 12 | |\n * | | Mo | 1st, 2nd, ..., 12th | 7 |\n * | | MM | 01, 02, ..., 12 | |\n * | | MMM | Jan, Feb, ..., Dec | |\n * | | MMMM | January, February, ..., December | 2 |\n * | | MMMMM | J, F, ..., D | |\n * | Month (stand-alone) | L | 1, 2, ..., 12 | |\n * | | Lo | 1st, 2nd, ..., 12th | 7 |\n * | | LL | 01, 02, ..., 12 | |\n * | | LLL | Jan, Feb, ..., Dec | |\n * | | LLLL | January, February, ..., December | 2 |\n * | | LLLLL | J, F, ..., D | |\n * | Local week of year | w | 1, 2, ..., 53 | |\n * | | wo | 1st, 2nd, ..., 53th | 7 |\n * | | ww | 01, 02, ..., 53 | |\n * | ISO week of year | I | 1, 2, ..., 53 | 7 |\n * | | Io | 1st, 2nd, ..., 53th | 7 |\n * | | II | 01, 02, ..., 53 | 7 |\n * | Day of month | d | 1, 2, ..., 31 | |\n * | | do | 1st, 2nd, ..., 31st | 7 |\n * | | dd | 01, 02, ..., 31 | |\n * | Day of year | D | 1, 2, ..., 365, 366 | 9 |\n * | | Do | 1st, 2nd, ..., 365th, 366th | 7 |\n * | | DD | 01, 02, ..., 365, 366 | 9 |\n * | | DDD | 001, 002, ..., 365, 366 | |\n * | | DDDD | ... | 3 |\n * | Day of week (formatting) | E..EEE | Mon, Tue, Wed, ..., Sun | |\n * | | EEEE | Monday, Tuesday, ..., Sunday | 2 |\n * | | EEEEE | M, T, W, T, F, S, S | |\n * | | EEEEEE | Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su | |\n * | ISO day of week (formatting) | i | 1, 2, 3, ..., 7 | 7 |\n * | | io | 1st, 2nd, ..., 7th | 7 |\n * | | ii | 01, 02, ..., 07 | 7 |\n * | | iii | Mon, Tue, Wed, ..., Sun | 7 |\n * | | iiii | Monday, Tuesday, ..., Sunday | 2,7 |\n * | | iiiii | M, T, W, T, F, S, S | 7 |\n * | | iiiiii | Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su | 7 |\n * | Local day of week (formatting) | e | 2, 3, 4, ..., 1 | |\n * | | eo | 2nd, 3rd, ..., 1st | 7 |\n * | | ee | 02, 03, ..., 01 | |\n * | | eee | Mon, Tue, Wed, ..., Sun | |\n * | | eeee | Monday, Tuesday, ..., Sunday | 2 |\n * | | eeeee | M, T, W, T, F, S, S | |\n * | | eeeeee | Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su | |\n * | Local day of week (stand-alone) | c | 2, 3, 4, ..., 1 | |\n * | | co | 2nd, 3rd, ..., 1st | 7 |\n * | | cc | 02, 03, ..., 01 | |\n * | | ccc | Mon, Tue, Wed, ..., Sun | |\n * | | cccc | Monday, Tuesday, ..., Sunday | 2 |\n * | | ccccc | M, T, W, T, F, S, S | |\n * | | cccccc | Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su | |\n * | AM, PM | a..aa | AM, PM | |\n * | | aaa | am, pm | |\n * | | aaaa | a.m., p.m. | 2 |\n * | | aaaaa | a, p | |\n * | AM, PM, noon, midnight | b..bb | AM, PM, noon, midnight | |\n * | | bbb | am, pm, noon, midnight | |\n * | | bbbb | a.m., p.m., noon, midnight | 2 |\n * | | bbbbb | a, p, n, mi | |\n * | Flexible day period | B..BBB | at night, in the morning, ... | |\n * | | BBBB | at night, in the morning, ... | 2 |\n * | | BBBBB | at night, in the morning, ... | |\n * | Hour [1-12] | h | 1, 2, ..., 11, 12 | |\n * | | ho | 1st, 2nd, ..., 11th, 12th | 7 |\n * | | hh | 01, 02, ..., 11, 12 | |\n * | Hour [0-23] | H | 0, 1, 2, ..., 23 | |\n * | | Ho | 0th, 1st, 2nd, ..., 23rd | 7 |\n * | | HH | 00, 01, 02, ..., 23 | |\n * | Hour [0-11] | K | 1, 2, ..., 11, 0 | |\n * | | Ko | 1st, 2nd, ..., 11th, 0th | 7 |\n * | | KK | 01, 02, ..., 11, 00 | |\n * | Hour [1-24] | k | 24, 1, 2, ..., 23 | |\n * | | ko | 24th, 1st, 2nd, ..., 23rd | 7 |\n * | | kk | 24, 01, 02, ..., 23 | |\n * | Minute | m | 0, 1, ..., 59 | |\n * | | mo | 0th, 1st, ..., 59th | 7 |\n * | | mm | 00, 01, ..., 59 | |\n * | Second | s | 0, 1, ..., 59 | |\n * | | so | 0th, 1st, ..., 59th | 7 |\n * | | ss | 00, 01, ..., 59 | |\n * | Fraction of second | S | 0, 1, ..., 9 | |\n * | | SS | 00, 01, ..., 99 | |\n * | | SSS | 000, 001, ..., 999 | |\n * | | SSSS | ... | 3 |\n * | Timezone (ISO-8601 w/ Z) | X | -08, +0530, Z | |\n * | | XX | -0800, +0530, Z | |\n * | | XXX | -08:00, +05:30, Z | |\n * | | XXXX | -0800, +0530, Z, +123456 | 2 |\n * | | XXXXX | -08:00, +05:30, Z, +12:34:56 | |\n * | Timezone (ISO-8601 w/o Z) | x | -08, +0530, +00 | |\n * | | xx | -0800, +0530, +0000 | |\n * | | xxx | -08:00, +05:30, +00:00 | 2 |\n * | | xxxx | -0800, +0530, +0000, +123456 | |\n * | | xxxxx | -08:00, +05:30, +00:00, +12:34:56 | |\n * | Timezone (GMT) | O...OOO | GMT-8, GMT+5:30, GMT+0 | |\n * | | OOOO | GMT-08:00, GMT+05:30, GMT+00:00 | 2 |\n * | Timezone (specific non-locat.) | z...zzz | GMT-8, GMT+5:30, GMT+0 | 6 |\n * | | zzzz | GMT-08:00, GMT+05:30, GMT+00:00 | 2,6 |\n * | Seconds timestamp | t | 512969520 | 7 |\n * | | tt | ... | 3,7 |\n * | Milliseconds timestamp | T | 512969520900 | 7 |\n * | | TT | ... | 3,7 |\n * | Long localized date | P | 04/29/1453 | 7 |\n * | | PP | Apr 29, 1453 | 7 |\n * | | PPP | April 29th, 1453 | 7 |\n * | | PPPP | Friday, April 29th, 1453 | 2,7 |\n * | Long localized time | p | 12:00 AM | 7 |\n * | | pp | 12:00:00 AM | 7 |\n * | | ppp | 12:00:00 AM GMT+2 | 7 |\n * | | pppp | 12:00:00 AM GMT+02:00 | 2,7 |\n * | Combination of date and time | Pp | 04/29/1453, 12:00 AM | 7 |\n * | | PPpp | Apr 29, 1453, 12:00:00 AM | 7 |\n * | | PPPppp | April 29th, 1453 at ... | 7 |\n * | | PPPPpppp| Friday, April 29th, 1453 at ... | 2,7 |\n * Notes:\n * 1. \"Formatting\" units (e.g. formatting quarter) in the default en-US locale\n * are the same as \"stand-alone\" units, but are different in some languages.\n * \"Formatting\" units are declined according to the rules of the language\n * in the context of a date. \"Stand-alone\" units are always nominative singular:\n *\n * `format(new Date(2017, 10, 6), 'do LLLL', {locale: cs}) //=> '6. listopad'`\n *\n * `format(new Date(2017, 10, 6), 'do MMMM', {locale: cs}) //=> '6. listopadu'`\n *\n * 2. Any sequence of the identical letters is a pattern, unless it is escaped by\n * the single quote characters (see below).\n * If the sequence is longer than listed in table (e.g. `EEEEEEEEEEE`)\n * the output will be the same as default pattern for this unit, usually\n * the longest one (in case of ISO weekdays, `EEEE`). Default patterns for units\n * are marked with \"2\" in the last column of the table.\n *\n * `format(new Date(2017, 10, 6), 'MMM') //=> 'Nov'`\n *\n * `format(new Date(2017, 10, 6), 'MMMM') //=> 'November'`\n *\n * `format(new Date(2017, 10, 6), 'MMMMM') //=> 'N'`\n *\n * `format(new Date(2017, 10, 6), 'MMMMMM') //=> 'November'`\n *\n * `format(new Date(2017, 10, 6), 'MMMMMMM') //=> 'November'`\n *\n * 3. Some patterns could be unlimited length (such as `yyyyyyyy`).\n * The output will be padded with zeros to match the length of the pattern.\n *\n * `format(new Date(2017, 10, 6), 'yyyyyyyy') //=> '00002017'`\n *\n * 4. `QQQQQ` and `qqqqq` could be not strictly numerical in some locales.\n * These tokens represent the shortest form of the quarter.\n *\n * 5. The main difference between `y` and `u` patterns are B.C. years:\n *\n * | Year | `y` | `u` |\n * |------|-----|-----|\n * | AC 1 | 1 | 1 |\n * | BC 1 | 1 | 0 |\n * | BC 2 | 2 | -1 |\n *\n * Also `yy` always returns the last two digits of a year,\n * while `uu` pads single digit years to 2 characters and returns other years unchanged:\n *\n * | Year | `yy` | `uu` |\n * |------|------|------|\n * | 1 | 01 | 01 |\n * | 14 | 14 | 14 |\n * | 376 | 76 | 376 |\n * | 1453 | 53 | 1453 |\n *\n * The same difference is true for local and ISO week-numbering years (`Y` and `R`),\n * except local week-numbering years are dependent on `options.weekStartsOn`\n * and `options.firstWeekContainsDate` (compare [getISOWeekYear]{@link https://date-fns.org/docs/getISOWeekYear}\n * and [getWeekYear]{@link https://date-fns.org/docs/getWeekYear}).\n *\n * 6. Specific non-location timezones are currently unavailable in `date-fns`,\n * so right now these tokens fall back to GMT timezones.\n *\n * 7. These patterns are not in the Unicode Technical Standard #35:\n * - `i`: ISO day of week\n * - `I`: ISO week of year\n * - `R`: ISO week-numbering year\n * - `t`: seconds timestamp\n * - `T`: milliseconds timestamp\n * - `o`: ordinal number modifier\n * - `P`: long localized date\n * - `p`: long localized time\n *\n * 8. `YY` and `YYYY` tokens represent week-numbering years but they are often confused with years.\n * You should enable `options.useAdditionalWeekYearTokens` to use them. See: https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns/blob/master/docs/unicodeTokens.md\n *\n * 9. `D` and `DD` tokens represent days of the year but they are often confused with days of the month.\n * You should enable `options.useAdditionalDayOfYearTokens` to use them. See: https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns/blob/master/docs/unicodeTokens.md\n *\n * @param {Date|Number} date - the original date\n * @param {String} format - the string of tokens\n * @param {Object} [options] - an object with options.\n * @param {Locale} [options.locale=defaultLocale] - the locale object. See [Locale]{@link https://date-fns.org/docs/Locale}\n * @param {0|1|2|3|4|5|6} [options.weekStartsOn=0] - the index of the first day of the week (0 - Sunday)\n * @param {Number} [options.firstWeekContainsDate=1] - the day of January, which is\n * @param {Boolean} [options.useAdditionalWeekYearTokens=false] - if true, allows usage of the week-numbering year tokens `YY` and `YYYY`;\n * see: https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns/blob/master/docs/unicodeTokens.md\n * @param {Boolean} [options.useAdditionalDayOfYearTokens=false] - if true, allows usage of the day of year tokens `D` and `DD`;\n * see: https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns/blob/master/docs/unicodeTokens.md\n * @returns {String} the formatted date string\n * @throws {TypeError} 2 arguments required\n * @throws {RangeError} `date` must not be Invalid Date\n * @throws {RangeError} `options.locale` must contain `localize` property\n * @throws {RangeError} `options.locale` must contain `formatLong` property\n * @throws {RangeError} `options.weekStartsOn` must be between 0 and 6\n * @throws {RangeError} `options.firstWeekContainsDate` must be between 1 and 7\n * @throws {RangeError} use `yyyy` instead of `YYYY` for formatting years using [format provided] to the input [input provided]; see: https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns/blob/master/docs/unicodeTokens.md\n * @throws {RangeError} use `yy` instead of `YY` for formatting years using [format provided] to the input [input provided]; see: https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns/blob/master/docs/unicodeTokens.md\n * @throws {RangeError} use `d` instead of `D` for formatting days of the month using [format provided] to the input [input provided]; see: https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns/blob/master/docs/unicodeTokens.md\n * @throws {RangeError} use `dd` instead of `DD` for formatting days of the month using [format provided] to the input [input provided]; see: https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns/blob/master/docs/unicodeTokens.md\n * @throws {RangeError} format string contains an unescaped latin alphabet character\n *\n * @example\n * // Represent 11 February 2014 in middle-endian format:\n * const result = format(new Date(2014, 1, 11), 'MM/dd/yyyy')\n * //=> '02/11/2014'\n *\n * @example\n * // Represent 2 July 2014 in Esperanto:\n * import { eoLocale } from 'date-fns/locale/eo'\n * const result = format(new Date(2014, 6, 2), \"do 'de' MMMM yyyy\", {\n * locale: eoLocale\n * })\n * //=> '2-a de julio 2014'\n *\n * @example\n * // Escape string by single quote characters:\n * const result = format(new Date(2014, 6, 2, 15), \"h 'o''clock'\")\n * //=> \"3 o'clock\"\n */\n\nexport default function format(dirtyDate, dirtyFormatStr, options) {\n var _ref, _options$locale, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4, _options$firstWeekCon, _options$locale2, _options$locale2$opti, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2, _ref5, _ref6, _ref7, _options$weekStartsOn, _options$locale3, _options$locale3$opti, _defaultOptions$local3, _defaultOptions$local4;\n\n requiredArgs(2, arguments);\n var formatStr = String(dirtyFormatStr);\n var defaultOptions = getDefaultOptions();\n var locale = (_ref = (_options$locale = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.locale) !== null && _options$locale !== void 0 ? _options$locale : defaultOptions.locale) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : defaultLocale;\n var firstWeekContainsDate = toInteger((_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_ref4 = (_options$firstWeekCon = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _options$firstWeekCon !== void 0 ? _options$firstWeekCon : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale2 = options.locale) === null || _options$locale2 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale2$opti = _options$locale2.options) === null || _options$locale2$opti === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale2$opti.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref4 !== void 0 ? _ref4 : defaultOptions.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : 1); // Test if weekStartsOn is between 1 and 7 _and_ is not NaN\n\n if (!(firstWeekContainsDate >= 1 && firstWeekContainsDate <= 7)) {\n throw new RangeError('firstWeekContainsDate must be between 1 and 7 inclusively');\n }\n\n var weekStartsOn = toInteger((_ref5 = (_ref6 = (_ref7 = (_options$weekStartsOn = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.weekStartsOn) !== null && _options$weekStartsOn !== void 0 ? _options$weekStartsOn : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale3 = options.locale) === null || _options$locale3 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale3$opti = _options$locale3.options) === null || _options$locale3$opti === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale3$opti.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref7 !== void 0 ? _ref7 : defaultOptions.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref6 !== void 0 ? _ref6 : (_defaultOptions$local3 = defaultOptions.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local3 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local4 = _defaultOptions$local3.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local4.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref5 !== void 0 ? _ref5 : 0); // Test if weekStartsOn is between 0 and 6 _and_ is not NaN\n\n if (!(weekStartsOn >= 0 && weekStartsOn <= 6)) {\n throw new RangeError('weekStartsOn must be between 0 and 6 inclusively');\n }\n\n if (!locale.localize) {\n throw new RangeError('locale must contain localize property');\n }\n\n if (!locale.formatLong) {\n throw new RangeError('locale must contain formatLong property');\n }\n\n var originalDate = toDate(dirtyDate);\n\n if (!isValid(originalDate)) {\n throw new RangeError('Invalid time value');\n } // Convert the date in system timezone to the same date in UTC+00:00 timezone.\n // This ensures that when UTC functions will be implemented, locales will be compatible with them.\n // See an issue about UTC functions: https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns/issues/376\n\n\n var timezoneOffset = getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds(originalDate);\n var utcDate = subMilliseconds(originalDate, timezoneOffset);\n var formatterOptions = {\n firstWeekContainsDate: firstWeekContainsDate,\n weekStartsOn: weekStartsOn,\n locale: locale,\n _originalDate: originalDate\n };\n var result = formatStr.match(longFormattingTokensRegExp).map(function (substring) {\n var firstCharacter = substring[0];\n\n if (firstCharacter === 'p' || firstCharacter === 'P') {\n var longFormatter = longFormatters[firstCharacter];\n return longFormatter(substring, locale.formatLong);\n }\n\n return substring;\n }).join('').match(formattingTokensRegExp).map(function (substring) {\n // Replace two single quote characters with one single quote character\n if (substring === \"''\") {\n return \"'\";\n }\n\n var firstCharacter = substring[0];\n\n if (firstCharacter === \"'\") {\n return cleanEscapedString(substring);\n }\n\n var formatter = formatters[firstCharacter];\n\n if (formatter) {\n if (!(options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.useAdditionalWeekYearTokens) && isProtectedWeekYearToken(substring)) {\n throwProtectedError(substring, dirtyFormatStr, String(dirtyDate));\n }\n\n if (!(options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.useAdditionalDayOfYearTokens) && isProtectedDayOfYearToken(substring)) {\n throwProtectedError(substring, dirtyFormatStr, String(dirtyDate));\n }\n\n return formatter(utcDate, substring, locale.localize, formatterOptions);\n }\n\n if (firstCharacter.match(unescapedLatinCharacterRegExp)) {\n throw new RangeError('Format string contains an unescaped latin alphabet character `' + firstCharacter + '`');\n }\n\n return substring;\n }).join('');\n return result;\n}\n\nfunction cleanEscapedString(input) {\n var matched = input.match(escapedStringRegExp);\n\n if (!matched) {\n return input;\n }\n\n return matched[1].replace(doubleQuoteRegExp, \"'\");\n}","function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\n\nimport requiredArgs from \"../_lib/requiredArgs/index.js\";\n/**\n * @name isDate\n * @category Common Helpers\n * @summary Is the given value a date?\n *\n * @description\n * Returns true if the given value is an instance of Date. The function works for dates transferred across iframes.\n *\n * @param {*} value - the value to check\n * @returns {boolean} true if the given value is a date\n * @throws {TypeError} 1 arguments required\n *\n * @example\n * // For a valid date:\n * const result = isDate(new Date())\n * //=> true\n *\n * @example\n * // For an invalid date:\n * const result = isDate(new Date(NaN))\n * //=> true\n *\n * @example\n * // For some value:\n * const result = isDate('2014-02-31')\n * //=> false\n *\n * @example\n * // For an object:\n * const result = isDate({})\n * //=> false\n */\n\nexport default function isDate(value) {\n requiredArgs(1, arguments);\n return value instanceof Date || _typeof(value) === 'object' && Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Date]';\n}","import isDate from \"../isDate/index.js\";\nimport toDate from \"../toDate/index.js\";\nimport requiredArgs from \"../_lib/requiredArgs/index.js\";\n/**\n * @name isValid\n * @category Common Helpers\n * @summary Is the given date valid?\n *\n * @description\n * Returns false if argument is Invalid Date and true otherwise.\n * Argument is converted to Date using `toDate`. See [toDate]{@link https://date-fns.org/docs/toDate}\n * Invalid Date is a Date, whose time value is NaN.\n *\n * Time value of Date: http://es5.github.io/#x15.9.1.1\n *\n * @param {*} date - the date to check\n * @returns {Boolean} the date is valid\n * @throws {TypeError} 1 argument required\n *\n * @example\n * // For the valid date:\n * const result = isValid(new Date(2014, 1, 31))\n * //=> true\n *\n * @example\n * // For the value, convertable into a date:\n * const result = isValid(1393804800000)\n * //=> true\n *\n * @example\n * // For the invalid date:\n * const result = isValid(new Date(''))\n * //=> false\n */\n\nexport default function isValid(dirtyDate) {\n requiredArgs(1, arguments);\n\n if (!isDate(dirtyDate) && typeof dirtyDate !== 'number') {\n return false;\n }\n\n var date = toDate(dirtyDate);\n return !isNaN(Number(date));\n}","import buildFormatLongFn from \"../../../_lib/buildFormatLongFn/index.js\";\nvar dateFormats = {\n full: 'EEEE, MMMM do, y',\n long: 'MMMM do, y',\n medium: 'MMM d, y',\n short: 'MM/dd/yyyy'\n};\nvar timeFormats = {\n full: 'h:mm:ss a zzzz',\n long: 'h:mm:ss a z',\n medium: 'h:mm:ss a',\n short: 'h:mm a'\n};\nvar dateTimeFormats = {\n full: \"{{date}} 'at' {{time}}\",\n long: \"{{date}} 'at' {{time}}\",\n medium: '{{date}}, {{time}}',\n short: '{{date}}, {{time}}'\n};\nvar formatLong = {\n date: buildFormatLongFn({\n formats: dateFormats,\n defaultWidth: 'full'\n }),\n time: buildFormatLongFn({\n formats: timeFormats,\n defaultWidth: 'full'\n }),\n dateTime: buildFormatLongFn({\n formats: dateTimeFormats,\n defaultWidth: 'full'\n })\n};\nexport default formatLong;","import formatDistance from \"./_lib/formatDistance/index.js\";\nimport formatLong from \"./_lib/formatLong/index.js\";\nimport formatRelative from \"./_lib/formatRelative/index.js\";\nimport localize from \"./_lib/localize/index.js\";\nimport match from \"./_lib/match/index.js\";\n\n/**\n * @type {Locale}\n * @category Locales\n * @summary English locale (United States).\n * @language English\n * @iso-639-2 eng\n * @author Sasha Koss [@kossnocorp]{@link https://github.com/kossnocorp}\n * @author Lesha Koss [@leshakoss]{@link https://github.com/leshakoss}\n */\nvar locale = {\n code: 'en-US',\n formatDistance: formatDistance,\n formatLong: formatLong,\n formatRelative: formatRelative,\n localize: localize,\n match: match,\n options: {\n weekStartsOn: 0\n /* Sunday */\n ,\n firstWeekContainsDate: 1\n }\n};\nexport default locale;","import addMilliseconds from \"../addMilliseconds/index.js\";\nimport requiredArgs from \"../_lib/requiredArgs/index.js\";\nimport toInteger from \"../_lib/toInteger/index.js\";\n/**\n * @name subMilliseconds\n * @category Millisecond Helpers\n * @summary Subtract the specified number of milliseconds from the given date.\n *\n * @description\n * Subtract the specified number of milliseconds from the given date.\n *\n * @param {Date|Number} date - the date to be changed\n * @param {Number} amount - the amount of milliseconds to be subtracted. Positive decimals will be rounded using `Math.floor`, decimals less than zero will be rounded using `Math.ceil`.\n * @returns {Date} the new date with the milliseconds subtracted\n * @throws {TypeError} 2 arguments required\n *\n * @example\n * // Subtract 750 milliseconds from 10 July 2014 12:45:30.000:\n * const result = subMilliseconds(new Date(2014, 6, 10, 12, 45, 30, 0), 750)\n * //=> Thu Jul 10 2014 12:45:29.250\n */\n\nexport default function subMilliseconds(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) {\n requiredArgs(2, arguments);\n var amount = toInteger(dirtyAmount);\n return addMilliseconds(dirtyDate, -amount);\n}"],"names":["defaultLocale","defaultOptions","getDefaultOptions","dateLongFormatter","pattern","formatLong","date","width","timeLongFormatter","time","longFormatters","p","P","dateTimeFormat","matchResult","match","datePattern","timePattern","dateTime","replace","getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds","utcDate","Date","UTC","getFullYear","getMonth","getDate","getHours","getMinutes","getSeconds","getMilliseconds","setUTCFullYear","getTime","MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK","getUTCISOWeek","dirtyDate","requiredArgs","arguments","toDate","diff","startOfUTCISOWeek","year","getUTCISOWeekYear","fourthOfJanuary","setUTCHours","startOfUTCISOWeekYear","Math","round","getUTCFullYear","fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear","startOfNextYear","fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear","startOfThisYear","getUTCWeek","options","startOfUTCWeek","_ref","_ref2","_ref3","_options$firstWeekCon","_options$locale","_options$locale$optio","_defaultOptions$local","_defaultOptions$local2","firstWeekContainsDate","toInteger","locale","getUTCWeekYear","firstWeek","startOfUTCWeekYear","RangeError","firstWeekOfNextYear","firstWeekOfThisYear","protectedDayOfYearTokens","protectedWeekYearTokens","isProtectedDayOfYearToken","token","indexOf","isProtectedWeekYearToken","throwProtectedError","format","input","concat","day","getUTCDay","setUTCDate","getUTCDate","_options$weekStartsOn","weekStartsOn","addMilliseconds","dirtyAmount","timestamp","amount","MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY","addLeadingZeros","number","targetLength","sign","output","abs","toString","length","y","signedYear","M","month","getUTCMonth","String","d","a","dayPeriodEnumValue","getUTCHours","toUpperCase","h","H","m","getUTCMinutes","s","getUTCSeconds","S","numberOfDigits","milliseconds","getUTCMilliseconds","floor","pow","dayPeriodEnum","formatters","G","localize","era","ordinalNumber","unit","lightFormatters","Y","signedWeekYear","weekYear","R","u","Q","quarter","ceil","context","q","L","w","week","I","isoWeek","D","dayOfYear","setUTCMonth","difference","getUTCDayOfYear","E","dayOfWeek","e","localDayOfWeek","c","i","isoDayOfWeek","dayPeriod","toLowerCase","b","hours","B","K","k","X","_localize","timezoneOffset","_originalDate","getTimezoneOffset","formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes","formatTimezone","x","O","formatTimezoneShort","z","t","originalDate","T","offset","dirtyDelimiter","absOffset","minutes","delimiter","formattingTokensRegExp","longFormattingTokensRegExp","escapedStringRegExp","doubleQuoteRegExp","unescapedLatinCharacterRegExp","dirtyFormatStr","_ref4","_options$locale2","_options$locale2$opti","_ref5","_ref6","_ref7","_options$locale3","_options$locale3$opti","_defaultOptions$local3","_defaultOptions$local4","formatStr","isValid","subMilliseconds","formatterOptions","map","substring","firstCharacter","longFormatter","join","matched","cleanEscapedString","formatter","useAdditionalWeekYearTokens","useAdditionalDayOfYearTokens","_typeof","obj","Symbol","iterator","constructor","prototype","isDate","value","Object","call","isNaN","Number","buildFormatLongFn","formats","full","long","medium","short","defaultWidth","code","formatDistance","formatRelative"],"sourceRoot":""}